LMA: Madrasah Deeni

A Fardh if neglected will have serious destructive irreversible effects .Why? The honour of a Muslim is based on sound education knowing ones obligation and responsibilities.

At present the L.M.A provides Ta`leem at 15 venues in Lenasia, Lenasia South, Zakariyya Park and Eldorado Park


Section: Main Centre

Extension: 1
Classes: 1-10

Section: Park Primary

Extension 1
Classes – 1-10
Roll – 198

Section: Greyville PrimaryGreyville

Extension: 2
Classes: 1- 7
Roll: 94

Section: Masjidun Noornoor

Extension 3
Classes: 1-4
Roll: 32

Section: Bilal Centrebilal

Extension : 5
Classes : 1-10
Roll : 372

Section : Nurul Islamnurul

Extension 5
Classes: 1-8
Roll: 109

Section : Apex Primary IMG_0689

Extension: 10
Classes: 1-8
Roll: 133

Section : Masjid Saaliheensaliheen mos

Extension : 13
Classes: 1-9
Roll: 114

Special needs

LMA classes for children with special needs2

A service provided by the LMA since 2006.

Catering for the Ta’leemi needs of the ummah has been the priority of the LMA bringing good Ta’leem to all .Realizing the need of the physically and mentally challenged little darlings of the ummah the LMA has attended to this need .A challenging but rewarding task : Cerebal Palsy , Fragile Autism , Kabuki Syndrome , Down syndrome and Epilepsy. Development delays are challenges these little darling children and parents have to be content with.

Alhamdulillah +/- 12 children are tutored by educators
Venue: Masjid Suleiymaniya, Ext 11B


Section : Daxina Primarydaxina

Extension : 1 Lenasia South
Classes : 1-10
Roll : 116

Section: Kiasha Parkkiasha park

Extension: 4 Lenasia South
Classes: 1-10
Roll: 198


Section : Zakariyyah Parkzak park

Masjid complex
Classes: 1-10
Roll: 46


Section: Park Dalepark dale

Extension: 1
Classes: 1-8
Roll: 121

Section: Ext 2 Masjid

Extension 2
Classes: 1-9
Roll: 79

Section : Eldo Main Primary Eldo main

Extension 1
Classes: 1-10
Roll: 179


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اَلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُم, Can i Assist You?